Q: Isn't the guy who plays Amy's dad on "Superstore" the same guy who played her dad on "Ugly Betty"?

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Adam Thomlison / TV Media

Well, Amy from "Superstore" wasn't a character on "Ugly Betty," but I see what you mean, and you're right.

America Ferrera plays Amy on "Superstore" and played the titular Betty on "Ugly Betty" — and Tony Plana played her dad on both.

It was a fun nod to "Betty" heads when he first showed up in Season 2. It's easy to forget in hindsight, but "Ugly Betty" was a TV phenomenon when it ran from 2006 to 2010, and surely a lot of people first started watching "Superstore" to see Ferrera in a sitcom again. Seeing her reunited with her TV dad was an extra gift to those fans.

It was also a gift to Tony Plana fans, of course. He's a long-standing character actor with more than 200 films and TV shows on his resume.

One of the bigger entries on there is the 1986 big-screen comedy "Three Amigos" (which gives you a sense of how long he's been at it). More recently, he played real-life TV personality Geraldo Rivera in the 2019 true life drama "Bombshell."

On top of all that screen work, he's also found time to be an educator and philanthropist in Los Angeles, where he founded the East L.A. Classic Theater group.


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