What happened to "DNA" happened quite a while ago now. The series (known as "Donovan" in its native Britain) premiered back in 2004 and was gone by 2006.
And what happened was it was simply canceled. Though for us a five-episode run would indicate a flop, the show was actually fairly popular -- enough to earn a complete-series DVD set a couple of years after it wrapped.
As Anglophiles have also seen with another recent mystery series that's gained popularity over here -- "Sherlock" -- the British TV system doesn't follow the same structure as the North American one. Episode lengths vary, as does the number of episodes in a season, and the amount of time that passes between episode airdates.
And so, with weeks passing between episodes, and each episode running longer than North Americans are used to (they all clocked in at over an hour), the show's five episodes were actually counted as two seasons.
This goes toward answering your second question. The first two episodes are actually considered the show's first season, and in the break between seasons 1 and 2 some casting changes took place -- as is normal for all TV shows, not just British ones.
As you've already seen the whole series, the fact that it can still be found on DVD is of no consolation, but maybe you'll be comforted to know that Conti has remained quite busy since.
He's appeared in a number of British and international films, and a couple of TV series, most recently the six-episode comedy "Parents."
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