Q: What kind of car does Mr. Bean drive?

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Adam Thomlison / TV Media

Detail-oriented fans of the classic British sitcom "Mr. Bean" will know that he in fact drove two different cars during the show's five-year run, though he didn't spend much time in the first.

The first car was an orange 1969 Mini, made by British Leyland Motor Corporation. It's totaled in an accident in the very first episode's credits sequence, though, from which only Mr. Bean himself, and a single wheel from the car, escape.

That left him in need of another car to ferry him to and from comedic exploits, so he chose another Mini. This time it was a 1976 model in bright yellow with a black hood (or "bonnet," in Brit-speak) that appears to have been a replacement part rather than a design choice. This is the car he drove for the remainder of the series.

The Mini has gone by a number of different names over its long history -- it has been called the Austin Mini, Morris Mini, BMC Mini, BLMC Mini, Rover Mini, Cooper Mini and more. Most of this is related to the history of the British Leyland Motor Corporation, which has changed names and partners repeatedly throughout the years.

Minis are still being made today, by BMW, which bought out British Leyland.


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