Q: I was wondering if MLB ever puts the World Series Game 7 on DVD. I wasn't able to watch this one, but really would like to see how the Cubs won.

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Adam Thomlison / TV Media

It's a pleasure to write about sports because no one's worried about spoilers. If I were to give away the ending of a TV show that aired in late October, I'd be heckled by angry fans with full DVRs at home. But it's OK to say the Cubs won the World Series.

This is a double-edged sword, though: Because it's hard not to find out how a game ended, whether you watched it or not, there's less of a demand for reruns and for home video. Fortunately, the World Series is a special occasion, and Major League Baseball has indeed released the final game on DVD and Blu-Ray.

It'll cost you, though, because it only comes as part of an eight-disc boxed set with the whole series, along with a bunch of extras and features.

That's pretty standard, and MLB still sells sets of old World Series on its website. Want to relive the Minnesota Twins winning the series in 1987? The Yankees in '77? They've got you covered. 

If getting the whole World Series on video seems like a bit much, MLB also sells one-disc highlights packages of various series, including this year's. 


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