Q: I was watching "The Price is Right" and it said the director was Adam Sandler. Is that <em>the</em> Adam Sandler?

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Adam Thomlison / TV Media

Wouldn't it be delightful if it was?

Adam Sandler, the "Saturday Night Live" alumnus who has become a big-screen comedy franchise unto himself thanks to hits such as "The Wedding Singer" (1998) and "Big Daddy" (1999), does have a history with the landmark game show "The Price Is Right." That said, the current director of the show is a different Adam Sandler.

The acting Sandler is clearly a fan, though. He cast previous "Price Is Right" host Bob Barker in a very memorable cameo in his comedy hit "Happy Gilmore" (1996), in which Barker gets to beat up Sandler on a golf course.

Sandler also wrote a scene in his 2011 film "Jack and Jill" in which his character is a contestant on "The Price Is Right," tormenting the show's current host, Drew Carey. That all makes it a wonderful coincidence that the game show's director and executive producer is also named Adam Sandler.

What's more, director Sandler's involvement with the show reaches all the way back to the mid-'90s, meaning he was around at the time the actor was getting up to all his related hijinks.

Indeed, the "The Price Is Right's" Sandler has devoted his career to the show and has grown along with it. Prior to (and along with) directing, he's performed a number of different roles for the show, including stage manager, editorial consultant and producer.


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