Q: Are they going to make more episodes of "Lucifer"?

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Adam Thomlison / TV Media

Yes they are, although they (being Netflix) were once just as uncertain as you are.

The fan-favorite, religion-themed procedural drama "Lucifer" ran for three seasons on Fox before its first cancellation -- the first of many, in fact.

Netflix rescued it, producing two more seasons before cancelling it again, only to turn around a year ago and say it would do one more.

It released Season 5 in two chunks, with the second chunk coming out at the end of May this year.

That means there is indeed one more full season to come, but that's it, and this time Netflix means it.

The streaming service even made fun of its own indecision last year when it announced the sixth season. "The devil made us do it," it wrote on the show's official Twitter account. "Lucifer will return for a sixth and final season. Like, FINAL final."

We can believe it this time because there's no one left to rescue a show after Netflix cancels it, and because Netflix would probably be embarrassed to change its mind again.


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